Friday 10 May 2024

The Diverse habitats and Wildlife in Cumbria ... from the Hills to the Sea ...

 Ravens' nests can be surprisingly inconspicuous and this one in the Eden Valley was a case in point ... an adult perched near to the nest ...

... and sang quitely from time to time ...

... the nearby nest was high in a fork of the tree and contained three well grown young ...

... while the Ravens were well into their breeding cycle some Peregrines were yet to get underway and a lone female perched conspicuously high on a crag ...

... nearby some Red Grouse came into close view to show how attractive they can be when seen well ... the female's plumage comprising a massive range of colour and detailed patterning ..

... a second calendar year male Hen Harrier drifted all to conspicuously over a heather bank (given how vulnerable to illegal persecution he is) - the pale brown mantle feathers interrupting the otherwise grey and black plumage to reveal his age ...

... further north from the Pennines in the Debatable Lands a male Redstart sang from one of the highest trees available in the vicinity ... his song carrying distantly in the fresh spring air ...

... On the Solway coast several flocks of Whimbrel passed by uttering their lovely seven note whistles and these two resorted to feeding on the grass over a high tide ...

Back in the North Pennines and the air was filled with wader sounds ... drumming and 'chitting' Snipe, Curlews calling and Golden Plovers uttering their haunting calls while breaking into snatches of song from time to time ...

A Wheatear flitted onto rocks ...

... and near to some wet flushes a male Dunlin stood watching over a presumed nest site ...

... occasionally uttering a burst of song ...

... before creeping to another location ...

... Skylark song filled the air and birds flew fast and low between aerial songs and perched vigilantly near some presumed nest site ...

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