Friday 24 May 2024

From Geltsdale to the Cairngorms ...

 Sedge Warblers were all around and in full song by the middle of May at Geltsdale ...

... with male Reed Buntings looking pristine there too ...

... and a brief trip to Scotland where the Cairngorm plateau was blessed with clear skies and a male Snow Bunting flew in ... 

... the predominance of white in the plumage suggested the nominate race nivalis ... and then as it flew the open wing showed almost pure white primary coverts and pure white greater coverts to confirm its sub-specific status ...

... there were no brownish tones to see ...

... and a female appeared ...

... despite the lack of an open wing view the frosty mantle and white underparts lacking in buffish tones again pointed towards the race nivalis ...

Nearby a male Ptarmigan stood quietly on a ridge ...

... before creeping stealthily away ...

... the rather indistinct red patch above the eye perhaps indicated immaturity ...

... in the lower areas Tree Pipits were in lovely song from prominent perches ...

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