Saturday 29 June 2024

A Summer week in Coigach ...

 Ullapool harbour is always a welcoming experience without onerous access restrictions ... inevitably rather quiet at this time of year but a pair of Hooded Crows foraged on the dock ...

... while a first summer Great Black-backed Gull loafed nearby ...

At Achnahaird an adult Long-tailed Duck was quite a surprise as it swam distantly in the bay ...

... and more predictably some Red-throated Divers fished in the shallows ...

... and out on the western headland a Shag flew in and perched up ...

... at Fox Point a Black Guillemot struck a lonely figure way out on the sea ...

... and towards Dorney a group of Ravens flew by ...

... all along the coast Common Sandpipers were making their presence conspicuous with their loud insistent calls ...

... and likewise the many Stonechats alarmed noisily ...

... over the high tide an eclipse male Eider flew off from the lagoon at the top of the Achnahaird bay ...

... and round the eastern peninsula a lone adult Common Gull patrolled the shoreline ...

... Wheatears were busy feeding juveniles scattered across the low vegetation ...

... on Cnoc Mor Golden Plovers stood on guard, calling occasionally ...

... before an adult White-tailed Eagle sailed by ...

... and behind the beach a Ringed Plover foraged on the short turf ...

... a first summer Common Gull with well bleached wing coverts floated in the shallows ...