It seems early for white-wingers and yet the Ullapool Viking Gull was present last week ...
It seems early for white-wingers and yet the Ullapool Viking Gull was present last week ...
It's always risky going away during the time of year when vagrants may turn up back home. And so it seemed when the Brown Booby appeared on Teesmouth the day after I set off for the Highlands. I'd missed the Northumberland Grey-headed Lapwing in the spring which had departed as I crossed the Bay of Biscay to return to England.
Amazingly the Brown Booby was still around on my return from Scotland and so the following day Teesmouth was my destination. And in an extraordinary turn of good fortune the bird was perched on the Pilots' Jetty as I arrived, a mere 100m or so away - I would have been perfectly happy for the bird to be showing on one of the bouys way out in the channel but this was amazing !!